Maintenance About Your Newlam Kalimba

Maintenance About Your Newlam Kalimba

Treasure Your Tunes - Caring for Your Newlam Kalimba

Your Newlam Kalimba is your gateway to a world of beautiful music. To keep those melodies flowing for years to come, here are some detailed tips on how to care for your instrument, drawing on the best practices for wooden instruments:

Give it a Cozy Home

After each musical adventure: Tuck your Kalimba safely back into its box. This protects it from dust, scratches, and any bumps along the way.
Storage for extended periods: If you won't be using your Kalimba for a while, consider storing it in its bag inside a climate-controlled case. This will offer additional protection from extreme temperatures and humidity fluctuations.

Temperature Matters

Ideal temperature range - Aim to store your Kalimba between 65°F (18°C) and 75°F (24°C). This is a comfortable temperature range for both you and your instrument.

Avoid extreme temperatures - Extreme heat can cause the wood to warp and crack, while extreme cold can make the wood brittle. Never leave your Kalimba in a hot car or directly in front of a heater. Avoid storing it in uninsulated attics or basements during extreme weather conditions.

Direct sunlight - Direct sunlight can fade the finish on your Kalimba and potentially dry out the wood. Avoid leaving it in harsh sunlight for extended periods.

Fight the Dryness

Living in a dry climate: As mentioned earlier, dry climates can cause cracks in the wood. Here are some ways to combat dryness:

Humidifier - Using a humidifier in the room where you store your Kalimba can add moisture to the air and prevent drying.

Mineral oil - Apply a small amount of mineral oil (available at most hardware stores) to the wood of your Kalimba (avoiding the tines) a few times a year. *Important: Only use a very light coat and buff it off with a soft cloth to avoid making the Kalimba sticky.

Keeping it Clean

Routine cleaning - For routine cleaning, a simple wipe with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth is all you need. Avoid using abrasive cloths or paper towels, as they can scratch the finish.

Deep cleaning (avoid unless necessary) - Avoid using any harsh chemicals or cleaners on your Kalimba, as they can damage the finish.

By following these easy steps, you'll ensure your Newlam Kalimba stays in top condition, ready to create beautiful music for years to come!
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