Things to Know Before You Start

Each Newlam kalimba is pre-tuned for accurate intonation before it reaches you. Therefore, tuning the kalimba yourself requires some knowledge and experience. We recommend waiting until you fully understand the kalimba before attempting to tune it.

Tuning your Newlam Kalimba unlocks its full musical potential

Tuning your Newlam Kalimba unlocks its full musical potential

The Newlam Kalimba arrives as more than just an instrument – it's a portal to a world of musical creativity. Each Kalimba undergoes a meticulous pre-tuning process, ensuring it delivers beautiful music right out of the box. This means you can start strumming and creating melodies the moment you receive it!

But for those with a discerning ear or a desire to personalize their Kalimba's voice, a world of fine-tuning possibilities awaits. Here's how to unlock the full sonic potential of your Newlam Kalimba:

*Note Keeping your Kalimba in tune is important for beautiful music, but tuning can be tricky. So, tuning requires knowledge and can be risky for beginners. Accidental over-tuning can damage the tines. We recommend waiting until you fully understand your Kalimba to avoid any issues. In the meantime, there are many resources online to help you learn about tuning later.

Pre-Tuned Perfection

Newlam takes pride in the meticulous pre-tuning process each Kalimba undergoes. Skilled technicians meticulously adjust the tines (the metal bars that produce sound) to achieve a specific, harmonious tuning. This ensures your Kalimba arrives ready to play, with each note ringing true and clear. Whether you're a seasoned musician or a curious beginner, you can be confident that your Newlam Kalimba will produce beautiful music from the very first note.

The Art of Fine-Tuning

For those who wish to explore the world of customization, fine-tuning your Newlam Kalimba opens exciting avenues. Popular smartphone apps like insTuner (iOS) and gStrings (Android) become your personal tuning assistants. These user-friendly apps help you identify the pitch of each tine with ease, allowing you to make precise adjustments and achieve your desired tuning.

Here's what you'll need

*A small hammer* Choose a hammer specifically designed for delicate tasks, or a small rubber mallet for added control.
*Patience and a keen ear* Tuning takes time and practice. Listen closely to the pitch of each tine and make adjustments incrementally.

The Taming Touch

Remember, even the smallest adjustments can significantly impact the pitch. Here's the golden rule:

Tapping the tine towards the bridge will lower its pitch. Imagine the bridge (the flat wooden piece where the tines are attached) as a hinge. Tapping closer to this "hinge" loosens the tension on the tine, making it vibrate slower and produce a lower sound.
Tapping the tine away from the bridge will raise its pitch.Conversely, tapping further away from the bridge tightens the tension, making the tine vibrate faster and produce a higher sound.

Start Small, Achieve Big

The key to successful tuning is to take it slow. Make tiny adjustments with your hammer, listening carefully to the resulting pitch change after each tap. It's always better to err on the side of caution and make gradual adjustments. You can always fine-tune further, but it's difficult to undo changes made with too much force.

A World of Musical Possibilities

With a pre-tuned Newlam Kalimba and the option for fine-tuning, you hold a versatile instrument in your hands. Explore popular melodies, experiment with different tunings, or even create your own unique soundscapes. The possibilities are endless, and the journey of musical exploration with your Newlam Kalimba has just begun!
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Hands on tuning

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